30 August 2013

u.s. vs UK

It’s Labor Day weekend in the u.s.
Yesterday in the UK, the full Parliament
debated the issue of whether or not to bomb
some more brown people into submission.
What a concept.
Rather than having the King decide,
as is done in the u.s., in the UK
they put it to debate among the duly
elected representatives of the people
and allow them to vote on it.
Unheard of.
What a country.
By the way, the vote in the UK was NO.
Not sure why.
Maybe they remember history?
Cuba, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan?
The seven years wars?
Or maybe they’re still searching for the WMD in Iraq?
Or the oil the u.s. thought it would control there,
which the people of Iraq prefer to sell to China?
By the way, China called to say thanks for the war.
Thanks for the billions of your taxpayers funds.
Especially since China gave nothing but now gets the oil.
Now see what you can do for us in Syria,
because our economy is actually growing,
so we can use more oil.
Thanks u.s., you’re the best.

28 August 2012

Holocaust Survivors - Meet the new NAZIS

Wajsfelner of Weston, Mass, USA is a criminal mastermind, according to the courageous work of u.s. federal government agents.

You see, Mr. Wajsfelner was finally caught and convicted of a most heinous crime: failing to disclose his foreign bank account to the US government. Note-- he was not convicted of tax evasion. He was not convicted of failing to file or pay taxes. His crime was not filing the annual Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR).

Because of his failure to disclose his foreign bank account, Wajsfelner is now looking at FIVE YEARS behind bars in a Day-Glo orange jumpsuit.

Oh, one more thing-- Wajsfelner is 83 years old. He was born in Germany during the global depression and rise of Adolf Hitler. The Wajsfelner family soon fled the Nazi regime and made its way to the United States.

13 August 2012

U.S. Congressman proposes new law.

US Congressman Dennis Kucinich introduced HR 6357,
a bill which aims to "Prohibit the extrajudicial (without justice)
killing of United States citizens by their federal government".
In other words, they need to pass a law in the U.S.A.
to prevent their government from indiscriminately murdering its own citizens.

Now if this doesn't give one reason to pause and consider
the distortions of liberty that have taken place in western civilization,
I don't know what will.
Think about it:

Does a free society send government hit men?
Does a free society lead the world in prison population?

Does a free society have hundreds of police agencies,
each with the authority to deprive a man of his life,
liberty and property in their sole discretion?

Does a free society have hundreds of thousands of laws,
codes, rules, regulations, and policies which effectively
criminalize nearly every aspect of one's existence?

Does a free society treat its citizens like criminals and terrorists?

Does a free society steal your money at gunpoint to buy bombs
that they drop by remote control on brown people in faraway lands?

Does a free society intentionally debase its currency,
thereby plundering the purchasing power of its citizens?

Does a free society saddle unborn generations with obligations
they never signed up to bear and can NEVER pay off?

Does a free society award near total control of the economy,
money supply and everything tied to it, to a tiny elite few?

Does a free society brainwash its citizens into believing
they live in a free society?

Ask yourself, are you really living in a free society?
Are you free? If not, why not?
What else could possibly be more important?

It takes courage to answer honestly.
But once you realize the truth
and begin to see the system for what it is,
it can be a liberating and life-changing experience.

You'll find that there are places where you can live free in this world.
There are ways to preserve your dignity, your privacy, your livelihood.
You'll find that you can build great camaraderie
and mutual trust with like-minded souls
because you share the same values, not the same place of birth.

My guess is that you're reading this because you've already started down the road to freedom.
But you might feel alone... intellectually isolated in a sea of automatons.

You're not alone. More and more people are waking up every day
and beginning to realize the incredible fraud that has been perpetrated against them.

That's why I fundamentally believe that today
is one of the most exciting times to be alive since the French Revolution.

20 July 2012

"If you own a business, you didn't build that!"

"If you own a business, you didn't build that!"
.. (wait for it) ... "The government did!"
- u.s. president Barack Hussein Obama

Search every major news outlet,
because I could not make this up if I tried.

"To say that Steve Jobs didn't build Apple,
that Henry Ford didn't build Ford Motor Company,
that Papa John didn't build Papa John's Pizza,
that Ray Kroc didn't build McDonald's,
that Bill Gates didn't build Microsoft,
and if you own a business, 'You didn't build that!'
'The government did!', leaves one, well, almost speachless!"
- Mitt Romney

By the way, Mitt Romney's Bain Capital helped build Domino's.

Is investing risk capital in business evil?
If you enjoy Domino's Pizza, does that make you evil also?

Should we evildoers be rounded up, arrested, shot?

Or because we in our ignorance did not know that we were evildoers,
but rather mistakenly believed that entrepreneurship was "the american way"
should we be treated more humanely and just be restricted, taxed, regulated,
and ulimately legislated completely out of business by the u.s. federal government?

Like millions of others, I'll await my fate from the upcoming November elections
and in the immortal words of The Who ...
"Get on my knees and pray, we don't get fooled again!"

31 May 2012

Greetings from Guantanamo Bay, USA!


Let's be perfectly clear about STP and all others,
regardless of where you are located.

You will comply with all rules and regulations of
The Federal Government of The United States Of America.

You see how the Swiss government has opened it's books
to the superior power of the U.S. Federal Government,
and how all inferior governments worldwide have signed
"compliance agreements" and "treaties" with the superior
Federal Government of The United States Of America.

Notice to our inferior neighbors to the north:

You may sing "O Canada" all you like, you may dress up in your
red santa suits and mount your horses and convince yourselves
that you have authority over your "sovereign" lands,
you may play all the hockey you like, and yes you may even
be allowed to win over us when it comes to Olympic gold.

However, when it comes to real gold, money, your government,
your businesses, and your people, will do as your are told by
The Federal Government of The United States Of America.

Notice to Costa Rica and "Liberty Reserve":
You will do likewise.

Notice to any and every inferior government worldwide:
Every bank, financial institution, credit card company,
payment processing company, all businesses whatsover,
wherever you are located in the world, and to every individual
regardless of the country in which you were born or reside.
You will comply also.

The Federal Government of The United States Of America,
will make you the following offer you can't refuse.

You may comply and things will be fine for you,
or you may be arrested or shot on sight,
if you dare resist.

End of notice.